Future of Industrial Circularity – Press Release
The third Open Call is out!!!
One of the founding pillars of the BioeconomyVentures Project is to attract and engage with innovators and corporations from within the European bio-based sector.
In order to facilitate this objective, we are in the process of launching what will be the third Open Call, this time addressing the Future of Industrial Circularity.
As with the first two calls, this call will first invite corporations to submit “Corporate Challenges”, followed shortly by a “Call to Innovators” for solutions to identified challenges. The corporations will be given the opportunity to shape their challenges together with the experienced BioeconomyVentures team and potentially elicit solutions directly addressing their “problems”, ensuring a direct match between corporates and solution providers (bioeconomy start-ups and spin-offs).
Is your corporation interested in joining the programme? Is your corporation facing a challenge in circularity that needs to be solved? If so, then don’t miss this opportunity to tap into the European innovation ecosystem and to explore possible collaborations, synergies and innovative solutions.
Unfortunately, this will be the final open call under this project and so it is also the last chance for your corporation to participate, so please reach out to us if you wish to join! If this is not for you, please take a look at and join the BioeconomyVentures Platform to become part of our online bioeconomy community!
How to get involved?
Simply contact with our partner F6S by sending an email directly to Catarina Reis at catarina@f6s.com. We are waiting for your enquiry!