Empowering the future through innovative smart solutions for rural areas

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Project summary

FUTURAL aims to address social and environmental challenges in European rural areas through a set of digital smart solutions. In six pilot sites located all over Europe (Spain, Netherlands, Austria, Lithuania, Romania, and Greece), two community-led social, technological, and business innovations from two of the smart solution domains, will be tested and demonstrated. The five domains are:

  1. Circular Bioeconomy, Biodiversity and Ecosystem Management,
  2. Resilience to Shocks,
  3. Citizen Engagement and Quality of Life,
  4. Lifelong Education and Training, and
  5. Climate Adaptation and Mitigation.

Through pursuing public-private interaction, developing new social practices, and engaging rural communities, FUTURAL intends to enable widespread social change and market adoption. The development of an EU-wide Rural Innovation Forum (EU-RIF) will strengthen a network of rural organisations, initiatives, and projects to encourage the progression of a sustainable, vibrant, rural ecosystem.

Expected outcomes

  • Knowledge and capacity building through workshops in rural communities
  • Creating platforms for the smart solutions
  • Creating a metasearch platform, integrating the smart solutions and offering matchmaking features
  • Creating inclusive business models
  • Elaborating policy recommendations and governance frameworks

Our work

alchemia-nova will provide their expertise to develop smart solution tools in the FUTURAL domain of Circular Bioeconomy, Biodiversity and Ecosystem Management. alchemia-nova will provide the experience for resource flow analyses to create valorisation pathways for (secondary) biomass resources in the rural pilot region Pongau (Austria) and the knowledge to evaluate a biodiversity score for the pilot region Jonava (Lithuania).


Project coordinator
Agricultural University of Athens

Partnership Consortium:
alchemia-nova research & innovation gemeinnützige GmbH – ANRI
ICCS – Institute of Communication and Computer Systems
University of Pisa – PAGE Pisa Agricultural Economics
AEIDL – European Association for Innovation in Local Development
University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest
Foodscale Hub
Art21 – Agrifood Tech Innovation House
IHE Delft Institute for Water Education
DLR – Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt
The Lisbon Council
Regionalverband Pongau
Municipality of Birda
Kytherian Foundation for Culture and Development
Urkiola Landa Garapena
PREPARE – Partnerships for Rural Europe
ERCA – European Rural Community Alliance

Project status
Starts 06/2023, Duration: 48 months
Project website: https://futural-project.eu/
Call: HORIZON-CL6-2022-COMMUNITIES-02-two-stage
Topic: HORIZON-CL6-2022-COMMUNITIES-02-01-two-stage
Type of Action: HORIZON-IA
Grant Agreement Number: 101083958
Overall costs: €7.222.408,75
EU contribution: €6.985.671,25

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