Marco Hartl
Marco Hartl (M) (PhD and MSc. in Ecological Engineering) has been working and conducting research in the field of nature-based solutions (NBS) for wastewater treatment and water reuse since more than 10 years. After his master thesis about a vertical flow constructed wetland (CW) with an innovative two-stage design in the alpine region of Austria at BOKU University, Vienna, he explored the opposite climatic extreme by working for BAUER Nimr LLC in the Sultanate of Oman for 15 months. There he coordinated a research project at the world’s largest industrial CW, which is situated in the middle of the Omani desert and treats highly polluted wastewater from the oil industry which is reused in bio-saline agriculture trials. In the following years he conducted and finalized his PhD research on the improvement of CW efficiency through combination with bioelectrochemical systems at UPC BarcelonaTech, Spain and Ghent University, Belgium. He speaks fluent English and German, as well as basic Spanish. Now he is part of several projects in alchemia-nova, working mainly on NBS such as CWs and green walls for water treatment and on-site reuse.
- Project Development
- Environmental technology
- Climate change adaptation
- Water-energy-food nexus
Maria WirthChief Executive Officer, Board Member -
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Christine BertlCircular Bioeconomy Scientist, Compliance Officer, Board Member -
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- Socio-Ecological Economics
Sarah GilaniIntegrated Communications and Engagement Specialist,
Board Member
- Treatment wetlands
- Environmental Impact Assessment
- Nature based Solutions
- Project Development
- Project Management
Tamara VobrubaTechnical Mathematics & Enviromental Engineering, Project Management & Scientific Research, Board Member -
- Project Management
- Project Development
- Proposal Writing
- Stakeholders Engagement
- Circular Economy
- Circular Construction
- Project Management
- Design for Deconstruction
- Impact Assessment
- Forensic Engineering
Gaetano BertinoProject Manager, Circular Building Specialist -
- Project Management
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- Circular Bioeconomy & Infrastructure
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Helen DolinšekCircular Transitions Specialist -
- Environmental Sciences & Technology
- Wastewater Treatment
- Constructed Wetlands
- EU Funding
- Project manager
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